My Biography
My Profile

Ruggero Pasquarelli
Character and personality
- This is Ruggero Pasquarelli. He is an actor, singer and You Tuber.
- He was born on september 10th.
- He is Italian
- He is 23 years old.
- His zodiacal sign is virgo
- He is handsome
- He has a friendly personality
- He is humble, sociable and good person.
- He bring in by acting in the series "Soy Luna".

Important even
In 2010 he participated in the fourth season of the italiana versión of the program of talents Factor X.1.
His feelings
Ruggero was accepted in the program factor X.1. He felt very excited since he was going to fulfill one of his dreams.
Your feelings
I am so happy that he is the protagonist of the series "Soy Luna", finally all his dreams had come true.